1. Search in your spare time:There is nothing wrong in searching for employment in your after-office hours. Use the weekends or try getting up a little early so you can use an hour or two to do the searching.
2. Don’t use you work email:This is a common blunder a lot of job seekers make. It can also show that you are applying in your office-hours. Also, your office email ID password can be changed by the office.
3. Submit carefully:A lot of companies post anonymously. So make sure to research on the company you are applying to. You never want to end up applying to the same company you are presently employed to!
4. Ask but keep silent:This is a difficult thing. While it is necessary not to discuss with your colleagues that you are looking for a new job, it is also recommended that you ask close and trustworthy acquaintances for any references they may have for you.
5. Network: You can join your niche specific groups, follow companies and update your profile regularly to show that you are a knowledgeable person in your job. If you show a keen and genuine interest in this kind of networking, there are high chances offers will start pouring in from hiring managers themselves.
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