11. Couchsurf – Nothing’s cheaper than sleeping for free. Couchsurfing connects you with locals who will give you not only a free place to stay, but also a local tour guide who can introduce you to all the great places to see。
(来源:沪江英语 编辑:龙天)
12. Visit the free sights – The city has a lot of free attractions, including museums like the Musée d’Art Moderne, Maison de Balzac, and Maison de Victor Hugo, most churches, and parks like the Jardin du Luxembourg. You’ll find a lot of places in Paris to visit for free。
14. Remember that water is free! – When you order water at a restaurant, make sure you ask for tap water. They’ll try to provide bottled water and charge you for it, but tap water is free and safe to drink。
10. Drink in hostels – Even if you aren’t staying in hostels, you should still consider drinking at their bars. They offer amazing happy hours with beers as little as €2. They’re a great place to start your night out in Paris without busting your budget。
13. Take a free walking tour – Free walking tours of Paris’ central sights are available from several tour companies. My favorite is New Europe Walking Tours. There’s also Paris Greeters, where locals lead you on a free tour of their city. It’s modeled after the one in New York. Be sure to tip your guides!
13.来个免费的徒步观光之旅吧:在巴黎市中心景点来一场免费的徒步之旅也是可行的,不少旅游公司都会有安排。这家,Paris Greeters也不错,当地人会带你来一个免费的旅行。此理念源自于纽约,当然别忘了给导游小费哦!
7. Buy a 10-pack of metro/bus tickets – Bus and metro tickets cost €1.70 each. However, you can purchase a “carnet” which is a pack of ten tickets costing €13.70. It saves you €3.30—a modest savings, but better than nothing!
8. Take the Vélib’ – Paris’ bike-share program boasts over 20,000 bikes at 1,800 stations located throughout the city. You join by purchasing a one-day pass for €1.70 or a one-week pass for €8.
9. Stay in hostels – Hostels offer great accommodations for those on a budget, especially since most hotels in Paris are beyond expensive. Dorm rooms in Paris start at €15, and private rooms in hostels begin around €50.
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